I love this photo because of the look captured on my Mom’s face–serene, intense and proud with a hint of sadness.
Mom and my step-dad, Bud, and I ventured to Old St. Pat’s Church on the near westside of Chicago for Christmas morning mass, to listen to Nicole sing. Nicole is my god-daughter, Mom’s oldest grandchild–my sister Katie’s first-born. And Nicole is a gifted musician with a beautiful voice–Nicole is beautiful through and through.
Half-way through mass I turned my Sony A7R2 camera (fitted with my trusty Zeiss 50mm F2 lens) toward Mom, focused on her and snapped off 7 shots, trying to be discreet–I was in church, afterall. This particular photo jumped out at me right away, and so I cropped it in until Mom’s face filled the frame. I just love her expression, and the way Bud’s chin, neck and chest seem to be cradling her face, providing a wonderful frame for this portrait. Sometimes when shooting photos you just get lucky.
Like most folks Mom is not a big fan of photos taken of her, but when I showed her this one she said, “Oh, that’s nice.”
Mom turned 83 in early December. 2017 was not a good year for her, for several reasons, but mostly because her health went awry: She endured three hospital stays and almost died twice. But Mom’s strong and stubborn–she’s exactly half Irish and half German–and so she’s determined 2018 will be better. None of us know what’s going to happen, of course, but I wouldn’t count her out.